Better Time Management For Wellbeing

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Time Management & Wellness

Do you want to increase your happiness? One way is to work on time management. Planning and spending your time carefully and wisely because your time is the most valuable thing that you will ever own.

Think of happiness and your time as being intricately linked and not mutually exclusive. If we decide to spend our time with the people or doing things we like, our happiness levels increase.

Research conducted by psychologists Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Matt Killingsworth, concluded that our happiness is linked to an immersion in an activity and heightened states of focus. It may also be important to stay engaged and avoid thought drifting when doing a particular task. Therefore how we spend our time and how we focus does affect our happiness. We should therefore reasonably pay more attention on time management as part of improving general happiness.

For some people, executing the tasks in their to do lists, is actually very fulfilling. Meeting your deadlines on time gives satisfaction and leaves you in a happier state. It’s all about making your next day less stressful and to prevent a pile up of tasks, some of which will never get completed – a vicious cycle that could lead to issues in motivation and productivity, and the feeling of exhaustion.

We can see how time management is a very important skill, not just for business, but on many aspects of life.

Benefits of good time management

Stress Reduction

Failing to meet deadlines means you will be working harder and faster to get the tasks done. If you missed deadlines on a number of tasks, you can imagine the pressure building up in the future. Also when you rush work, it could cause major problems in quality. Producing poor quality work directly and indirectly affects your general well being.

Less rework

Proper planning and organization results in accurate work, therefore less need to re-work. When you have enough time to carry out a certain activity, you can give it the best possible effort. Details and instructions are precisely followed which results in less rework.

Improve Teamwork

Within a team, it is important to be organized as to avoid conflicts with team members due to missed deadlines and forgotten appointments. Better time management facilitates better organization.

Improves your reputation

A good name gives you more opportunities in life, whether you are the boss or working for somebody else. Good time management makes you a reliable person. If you have clients who need your services, they will not question the time you set to deliver. An employee good reputation with a good reputation may earn a promotion or increased salary.

Achievement of set goals and objectives

Proper time management leads to the realization of both personal and organizational goals within a shorter cycle. You can meet targets ahead of the deadline and deliver the work when it is due. Achievement of set goals can propel you to the next level in your career, helping define you as a person who is efficient and productive – a valuable asset to any business – key personnel are the most well rewarded in the workplace.

Thankfully these days it’s not so difficult to sign up to services to help with time management – DayViewer is one such service. With DayViewer, you can plan and organize information effectively helping you get more done every day. Sign Up Today